Our Story

We're a passionate group of fans, pro athletes, and coaches who are united by our love for grappling martial arts and our desire to see the sport grow and thrive.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide scholarships to those who have faced adversity or come from challenging backgrounds to participate in combat sports. We strive to create and foster an environment of opportunity and success for these individuals, giving them the support and resources they need to reach their full potential.We believe in supporting gyms that create these opportunities - provide the structure, guidance and mentorship for athletes to develop and succeed. A strong gym environment is at the heart of Fireside grappling. 

How do we help


By affiliating Gym unlock a large number of benifits including being able to nominate deserving athletes for our scolarships we also have a large amount of support for gyms - click here to find out more


We provide scolaships and sponsorship to the best most deserving sthletes . We currently hsve 4 postions up for grabs and we want to increase this as the brand grows with your support. the details for Scholarship levels is below


We work with a wide range of partners to provide support to our athletes and affilate gyms. If your brand would like to help us deliver our goals please get in touch

Our Scholarship teirs


Competition entry fees
Paid travel expenses
Training Grant 


Competition entey fees
travel expenses 


Competition entry fees



Say hi to our team

Our team is a diverse group of individuals who share a common goal: to elevate the grappling martial arts community and make the sport more accessible to everyone.

James Eagle

James is a fittness expert with a passion for fighting. He has seen the way fittness can transform lifes and wants to take those positive elements and help the grappling world

Ash Grimshaw

Ash is a ledgend of the sport. Being one of the UKs premier fighters for many years as well as a extreamly well respected coach. He is putting old rivaries aside to help our athletes and gyms with some of the best advice he has learned over the years

Braulio Estima

Braulio needs no introduction as one of international BJJs GOATS as well as grappling biggest start as an athlete anda more recently a coach. He is using all of his experinace to help deliver our mission 

Dayyán Morandi

Dayyán is a media expert and is a veteren of the football industry havinf worked for the likes of Naymar and LaLiga. He is taking this knollage and his apssion for Grappling to help us with our mission

Ryan Morrison

Ryan has huge experinace in delivering custom merchandise and is using this to build our products and merchandise services for gyms. He has delveloped some really great stuff so get in touch to hear more about it!



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